sexual ethic

#615 - Spiritual Trauma - Mixed Orientation Marriage

How do you deal with Spiritual PTSD? What is Spiritual PTSD? Preston isn't a certified professional counselor but he recommends reading the "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. 

Is a mixed orientation marriage possible?

Should we be toting an American flag after gun violence?

#615 - Spiritual Trauma - Mixed Orientation Marriage

#597 - Back to Some Questions!

Preston has been working to establish an organization that is theologically sound in their teaching and yet provides practical guidance on questions related to sexuality and gender. The Center for Faith and Sexuality website is up. Go ahead and check it out and be sure to sign up for the newsletter. 

Learn more at

Preston is also answering your questions. How do you engage with someone you greatly disagree with? Should you attend your Daughter's same sex wedding? Do I need to Tithe %10? What if I am in the ministry? 

#597 - Back to Some Questions!