
#823 - Trans* and Christian: Lesli Hudson-Reynolds

Lesli has been a great friend and mentor over the years. We talk about all things trans*, gender, church, Jesus, pronouns, and all that fun stuff. Lesli is the Gender Identity Ministry Director for Posture Shift and a contributor to the highly acclaimed resource "Guiding Families."

#823 - Trans* and Christian: Lesli Hudson-Reynolds

#709 - Is Trump Trying to Erase Transgender People?

On episode #709 Preston gives you a teaser of what is inside his Patreon membership. This teaser includes a clip of Preston responding to the Trump memo about sex and gender.

#709 - Is Trump Trying to Erase Transgender People?

#612 - Can You Not Sign the Nashville Statement and Be Saved?

Preston is in the basement answering your questions. 

How do we write doctrinal statements on complicated issues, such as gender identity and transgender people?  

What is a biblical or theological argument for the belief that we shouldn't pursue gender reassignment surgery? Why should we remain in our biological gender rather than the gender we identify with? 

Preston is also answering more questions about the Nashville Statement. In what ways does Preston disagree with the Statement? In what ways does he agree? Why could this statement do more to divide us than unite us? 

#612 - Can You Not Sign the Nashville Statement and Be Saved?

#598 - Biblical Inerrancy, "Progressive Christianity" and Church Diversity

Preston is back from a busy few weeks and he is ready to answer your questions on this extended hour long podcast. 

How does a mom navigate through the very complex issue of her daughter's gender identity? 

What does Preston think of Rob Bell, Pete Enns or The Liturgists Podcast with Michael Gungor? Would you be surprised to hear that "Progressive Christianity" can often sound like Christian Fundamentalism?

#598 - Biblical Inerrancy, "Progressive Christianity" and Church Diversity