LGBT Discussion

#764 - Gender-Queer and Gospel-Centered: Lesli Hudson-Reynolds

Preston’s very good friend and mentor, Lesli Hudson-Reynolds, joins him on the podcast to talk about Trans-related questions, gender dysphoria, LGBTQ people in the church, and how to lead with love even when (or especially when) there’s disagreement. Lesli has been filling a massive void in the church—helping LGBTQ people wrestle with their faith, sexuality, or gender identity with grace and truth.

#764 - Gender-Queer and Gospel-Centered: Lesli Hudson-Reynolds

#595 - A Conversation with My LGBT Friends: Part 4

Today Preston is talking with Laurie Krieg. Laurie is married to Matt and the two of them together started Hole in my Heart Ministries. In their ministry they counsel in person and online (globally), speak nationally, and write blogs and books. 

Laurie experiences same-sex attraction but is passionate about loving Jesus as well. She works to faithfully submit her broken sexuality to the lordship of Christ, and comes alive talking about how and why she does that.

#595 - A Conversation with My LGBT Friends: Part 4

#594 - A Conversation with My LGBT Friends: Part 3

Today Preston is talking with Nate Collins. Nate Collins is in Gay in his orientation but is also in a committed, mixed orientation marriage. 

Nate is also the author of a soon to be released book titled All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality. What does it mean to be gay ... and a Christian? Beginning with how the Bible describes sex and gender in Genesis 1-2, Nate provides a theological framework for conceptualizing gender identity.

#594 - A Conversation with My LGBT Friends: Part 3